
Would you like to support a child at the Hope Home? That's a good idea ... but let's be honest: Hope Home is home to a large number of children and young people ...
Da ist eine gute Idee … aber wir wollen ehrlich sein:  
Im Hope Home leben eine Vielzahl Kinder und Jugendliche …

How can we ensure that your donation only benefits one individual?
It is not possible.

In addition, a sponsorship model would also go hand in hand with establishing a problematic donor-recipient relationship with rigid role attributions that consolidate and reinforce hierarchies, prejudices and racism. However, we want to break down this power structure.

Instead of sponsoring a child, we therefore offer you a partnership in which people show solidarity with each other, recognise where injustices are currently taking place and work to overcome them. As a Hope Home partner, you make regular donations to support the future and development of everyone at Hope Home. You also have the opportunity to take on an educational partnership. The costs for secondary schools are extremely high. With your support, the young people at the Hope Home have the chance of an education - and therefore a better chance of building a secure future for themselves.

Hope-Home partnership form

Write an e-mail with the subject ‘Hope-Home-Partner’ to spenden@childrens-hope-home.org or fill in the following form completely. By submitting the form, you authorise Children's Hope Home e.V. to collect the contribution for your Hope Home or educational sponsorship from your account. You only take on the sponsorship for as long as you wish. You can cancel your sponsorship at any time without giving a reason.

    Place of residence ZIP CODE
